Training: Creating Safe and Inclusive Schools: NGN SEEL Strategies for Diversity Promotion and Bullying Prevention
Training: Creating Safe and Inclusive Schools: NGN SEEL Strategies for Diversity Promotion and Bullying Prevention

Event Date:
June 27, 2024
Event Time:
5:00 pm
Event Location:
Training Workshop: June 27th from 5:00 PM -6:30 PM.
Storytelling is powerful for instilling behaviour modification and ethical values. This workshop explores the use of age-appropriate stories and narratives to teach moral and ethical lessons, encouraging children to develop a strong sense of right and wrong.
Ekta Juswani, Child Developmental Psychologist (SEEL-HOD)
Zaheda Jeewa, Child Counseling Psychologist, NGN Learning
Tejaswini B H, Early Childhood & NGN SEEL Specialist
NGNSoft Inc., US-based Certification Of Completion
1. Understand the principles of NGN SEEL (New Generation National Social and Emotional Learning) and their relevance to promoting diversity and preventing bullying in schools.
2. Identify various forms of bullying, including physical, verbal, social, and cyberbullying, and recognize their impact on individuals and school communities.
3. Examine the role of empathy, respect, and inclusivity in creating a safe and welcoming school environment for all students.
4. Explore strategies for integrating NGN SEEL approaches to foster empathy, cultural competence, and social awareness.
5. Develop skills to recognize and address personal biases and prejudices that may contribute to bullying behaviour or exclusionary practices.
6. Analyze case studies to understand effective ways to respond to bullying incidents and support affected individuals.
7. Create an action plan for implementing NGN SEEL strategies in one’s own school or community setting to promote inclusion and diversity.