Training : Bringing Positive Self-Esteem to Students Through NGN’s Social, Emotional, Ethical, and Logical Learning (NGN SEEL)
Training : Bringing Positive Self-Esteem to Students Through NGN’s Social, Emotional, Ethical, and Logical Learning (NGN SEEL)

Event Date:
June 17, 2023
Event Time:
3:30 pm
Event Location:
Ekta Juswani (Child Developmental Psychologist, NGN Learning)
Zaheda Jeewa (Child Counseling Psychologist, NGN Learning)
Tejaswini B. Child Counseling Psychologist, NGN Learning)
NGNSoft Inc., California-based Certification Of Completion
Learning Outcomes
Define self-esteem and its importance in children’s development, according to the NGNSEEL approach.
- Identify the potential barriers and challenges in developing positive self-esteem in growing students.
- Understand the specific benefits of promoting positive self-esteem in the academic, social, and emotional contexts, as described by the NGN SEEL framework.
- Learn effective strategies for promoting positive self-esteem in children, including building self-awareness, cultivating self-compassion, practicing positive self-talk, and setting achievable goals, as developed by professionals.
- Understand the specific roles and responsibilities of parents, teachers, and counselors in fostering positive self-esteem in children, according to the NGN SEEL approach.
- Apply NGNSEEL-based strategies for promoting positive self-esteem in school, home, and counseling settings.
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